Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Impulse Buy

Yesterday Afternoon I was browsing through eBay looking at the paintings being auctioned. I cam across this three piece and put a bid down for $50. Now I felt that $50 was an under-bid. The time it took to paint this piece must have cost more than $50 (at $10 per hour), never mind when you add the cost for materials. So I put the bid in, thinking I'd either help the artist get a better price or get an original piece of art for a really good price.

It ended up being the latter.

I will make my final decision about whether this was a good impulse buy when it actually arrives. Right now I'm feeling good about it.

p.s. I love this painting! It arrived the other day and looks great!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I think it looks super nice! I've recently been jacking up bids on e-bay as well, though it's a tricky business (I actually *don't* want to end up with what I've been bidding on!).